Get your home energy-fit for fall!

With the change in seasons tomorrow, now is an excellent time to prepare your home for cooler weather.

Idaho Power offers the following tips to ensure your home is ready for the heating season:

  • Replace or clean your furnace filters before the heating season begins. Clean filters improve efficiency and help your system last longer.
  • Check for air leaks around outside doors and windows. If you can feel a draft, caulk, add weatherstripping or adjust hardware for a better fit.
  • As the weather cools, reverse the direction of ceiling fans so they run clockwise. When set on low, they gently pull cool air up toward the ceiling, forcing warm air down into the room.
  • Check your attic’s insulation levels to keep heat where it belongs this winter (inside!). The minimum insulation level for our region is R-38 or R-49, depending on your location.

For more energy efficiency tips, programs and incentives, visit

Melissa Thom
Marketing Specialist