Educational Resources

Idaho Power has compiled these resources to help those participating in our Integrated Resource Plan process or anyone who wants to know more about how their energy is generated and delivered. We will add links, presentations and videos as they become available.

Idaho Power Videos

Reliability & Capacity Assessment
Reliability and Capacity Assessment overview video

Hydrology, Part I: Snake River and Hydro Generation Overview
Snake River and hydro generation overview video

Video summary

Hydrology Part II: Federal Climate Change Study Recap
hydro resource modeling thumb

Video summary

Hydrology Part III: Hydro Resource Modeling
federal climate change modeling recap

Video summary

Video: Transmission System Overview

Video: AURORA Model Overview
PDF version

Additional Resources


Energy 101: Hydropower | DOE | Video (3:50)
Hydropower Energy Basics | NREL | Video (2:14)


Energy 101: Solar PV | DOE | Video (2:00)
Solar Energy Basics | NREL | Video (2:18)


Energy Storage | DOE | Video (2:07)
Energy Storage | NREL | Video (1:12)


National Transmission Planning Study | DOE | Video (5:18)
Transmission Integration | NREL | Video (2:22)


Energy 101: Wind Power | DOE | Video (3:16)
Wind Energy Basics | NREL | Video (2:04)

Demand Response

Demand Response and Time-Variable Pricing Programs | DOE
Demand Response Analysis | NREL

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency | DOE

Firm Clean Energy Resources

Office of Nuclear Energy | DOE
Nuclear-Renewable Synergies for Clean Energy | NREL
Hydrogen Strategy Fact Sheet | DOE
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells | NREL

Fossil Energy

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management | DOE
Carbon Capture | NETL

Oregon Department of Energy

Energy 101 — Energy Info (

More Information

More in-depth information for broader topics can be found at the following source pages:

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