Schedule 9 Information
Who Is a Schedule 9 Customer?
Idaho Schedule 9 is applicable to commercial customers whose metered energy usage exceeds 2,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per Billing Period for a minimum of three Billing Periods during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods. In addition, Schedule 9 customers may not have metered Demand exceeding 1,000 kilowatts (kW) per Billing Period more than twice during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods.
Idaho Schedule 9 is available at three service levels:
- Secondary Service is service taken at 480 volts or less
- Primary Service is service taken at 12 kilovolts (kV) to 34.5 kV
- Transmission Service is service taken at 44 kV or higher
Explanation of Terms
Energy Efficiency ServicesEnergy Efficiency Services provides financial support for Idaho Power’s energy efficiency programs. This amount includes the Energy Efficiency Rider and Fixed-Cost Adjustment.
Energy Efficiency RiderPays for the analysis and implementation of energy efficiency programs. It is included on customers’ monthly bills under the “Energy Efficiency Services” line item and is equal to 2.35% of the monthly base rate billing amount for all customers. Learn how to conserve energy and save money.
Fixed-Cost AdjustmentThe Fixed-Cost Adjustment, or FCA, is designed to remove the unintended financial disincentive Idaho Power experiences when electricity sales decrease due to energy efficiency programs. If the Idaho Public Utility Commission (IPUC) makes this rate mechanism permanent, it would annually adjust rates up or down to recover the difference between the fixed costs authorized by the IPUC and the fixed costs the utility actually recovers from customers through energy sales during the previous year. The FCA applies to residential service and small general service customers only.
Service ChargeThe Service Charge is a fixed monthly charge that recovers costs which do not vary with a change in energy consumption. These costs include the investment in the service line and meter as well as the costs of meter reading and billing.
Demand ChargeDemand, represented by kilowatts (kW), measures the rate at which energy is used at a point in time. Billing Demand is the average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the billing period. The Demand Charge recovers a portion of the capacity-related costs associated with the generation and transmission of electricity.
Basic ChargeBasic Load Capacity (BLC) is the average of the two greatest nonzero monthly Billing Demands established during the 12-month period that includes and ends with the current billing period. Whenever a customer has not established 12-months of Billing Demand, the BLC is computed by taking the two greatest billing demands using the available history. The Basic Charge, billed on the basis of BLC, recovers a portion of the capacity-related costs of the distribution facilities which includes such things as substations, primary lines and transformers.
Energy ChargeKilowatt-hour (kWh) is a measurement of the amount of electricity used over time. The Energy Charge, billed on the basis of kWh, collects energy-related generation costs in addition to recovering a portion of the capacity-related costs of distribution facilities which includes such things as substations, primary lines and transformers.
Power Cost AdjustmentThe Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is an additional energy-based rate that reflects the impact stream flow conditions have on the cost of generating electricity. The PCA includes the cost of fuel for coal and/or natural gas-fired generating units owned by the company as well as buying power from the wholesale energy market. PCA expenses are offset by any sale to other utilities of surplus electricity generated by Idaho Power throughout the year. The PCA rate can be positive or negative depending upon the level of related costs incurred by the company.
View the Tariff
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