Daly Creek Youth Hunt

Idaho Power provides access to parts of our Daly Creek Habitat Management Area (DCHMA) in Hells Canyon for youth hunters (ages 12–17) interested in hunting upland birds, deer, and elk.

Youth with an access permit to hunt deer or elk may also hunt cougar or bear during the permit period.

Permits are granted through an application process that follows the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) standard youth hunter rules and regulations. Youth wanting access must complete this updated application and submit it by the deadlines indicated on the form.

This opportunity supports our efforts to:

  • Form committed partnerships with natural-resource agencies
  • Provide a high-quality youth hunting experience
  • Promote a positive youth hunting ethic
  • Educate youth about wildlife and wildlife habitat

We want youth hunters to have a quality hunting experience. The hunt is in a back-country setting and demands skill and effort. Youth hunters must be accompanied by skilled adult hunters.

This rocky, roadless, sagebrush-covered rangeland varies from moderate to extremely steep. Hunters access the property by foot or horseback.

Daly Creek Youth Hunt results for 2024.

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For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, please contact Customer Service at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151