Irrigation Efficiency Rewards
Idaho Power’s Irrigation Efficiency Rewards Programs encourages energy-efficient equipment and design in irrigation systems. It is an opportunity for Idaho Power agricultural irrigation customers to receive a cash incentive and lower their energy bills. All Idaho Power customers who own or operate an irrigation system used for irrigation of agricultural crops or pasturage that receives electricity from Idaho Power at the Irrigation power schedule are eligible to participate in Idaho Power’s Irrigation Efficiency Rewards Programs.
Through this program, you may qualify to receive an incentive from Idaho Power for a portion of the cost to install a new, more efficient system or to make energy-efficient improvements to an existing system. This program helps you pay for energy-efficient irrigation system upgrades and encourages efficient electricity use. There are three different programs irrigation customers can participate in and receive incentives for. Program descriptions, incentives, application processes, and terms and conditions are listed below for each program.
Custom IncentiveCustom Incentive
The custom incentive pays you an incentive based on an estimated annual reduction in energy use. For existing systems, the incentive is based on energy savings estimated by Idaho Power of your proposed modifications. For a new system, the incentive is based on installation of a system Idaho Power determines to be more energy efficient than standard. Water source changes to an existing system will be treated as a new system. The incentive you receive is determined by the following criteria based on annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) or kilowatt (kW) savings effective Jan. 1, 2025:
- Existing System – $0.30 per annual kWh saved or $540 per kW (Incentive will not exceed 75% of project cost)
- New System – $0.30 per annual kWh saved (Incentive will not exceed 10% of project cost)
For example, if Idaho Power estimates your new, more efficient pump will save 15,000 kWh of electricity in an irrigation season, you would receive an incentive for $4,500 (15,000 kWh x $0.30 = $4,500) – assuming this amount does not exceed 75% of the project cost on an existing system or 10% of the cost on a new system.
Idaho Power’s agriculture representatives will conduct a free energy evaluation to help determine what can make your system more energy efficient.
Custom Incentive Application Process
- Establish your eligibility. All Idaho Power customers who own or operate an irrigation system used for irrigation of agricultural crops or pasturage that receives electricity from Idaho Power at the Irrigation power rate are eligible to participate in Idaho Power’s Irrigation Efficiency Rewards Program.
- Evaluate your system. Determine how or if your irrigation system could be more energy efficient. You may request an evaluation or planning assistance by an Idaho Power agricultural representative (ag rep) in your area.
- Make a plan. Work with your ag rep to develop a plan that will provide the opportunity for the most energy savings and largest incentive.
- Get a bid. Obtain an itemized estimated of the cost to modify or install your irrigation system from an irrigation equipment or pump dealer of your choice.
- Apply for incentive. Work with your ag rep to complete the Custom Incentive Application and prepared supporting documentation including:
- Itemized bid from your supplier for the project — existing or new irrigation system (indicate make, model and specifications of all equipment)
- Irrigation system drawing including 1) location of pumps and water sources, 2) mainline sizes, lengths, types and locations, 3) elevations and 4) acres
- Pump curve (noting number of stages and impeller diameter)
- Topographical map of irrigation system area
- Aerial map of irrigated acres
- When the application and required documentation has been submitted, Idaho Power will calculate energy and demand savings for your installed irrigation system. If your application is approved, Idaho Power will inform you of your estimated energy savings and corresponding estimated incentive payment. Once the system is installed, provide a copy of paid invoices to your ag rep. The ag rep will validate that the installed system matches the information provided in the application, and that the installed system complies with Idaho Power Utility Rules. Please refer to Idaho Power Rules and example Rule K-Harmonics for additional information on Oregon and Idaho Rules. The mailed incentive check amount is based on the installed system.
Application will not be processed until all documentation is submitted
By submitting this application, you agree to comply with and be bound by the Irrigation Custom Incentive Terms and Conditions, as updated from time to time, available on Idaho Power’s website and incorporated by reference as if set forth herein. Hard copies of the Irrigation Custom Incentive Terms and Conditions will be provided upon request.
Green MotorsGreen Motors Program
Information on incentives for the Green Motors Program and qualifications can be found on the Green Motors Program page.
Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply.
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