April 2023 Bill Inserts

Connections for April 2023
“Connections” en español, abril 2023

  • Outdoor Adventures Await at Idaho Power’s Parks!
  • How to Stay Safe in and Around the Water
  • Go Fishing for Idaho Power-stocked Trout
  • Grilled Fish Tacos from the Energy-efficient Kitchen

We can Help You Efficiently Cool and Heat Your Home
(sent to all residential customers)
Reduce your heating and cooling energy expenses now. Idaho Power offers cash incentives on new energy-saving equipment and services for your home.

Rebates for Manufactured Homes
(sent to all residential customers)
Eligible customers buying a new electrically-heated ENERGY STAR® manufactured home can receive a $1,000 sales rebate and their sales consultant a $200 sales bonus.

Idaho Power Files Annual Fixed Cost Adjustment
(sent to Idaho residential and small business customers)
Idaho Power has filed the first of two annual cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. This year’s annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) requests a decrease of $10 million, or 1.56%, for residential and small general service customers in Idaho. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours per month would see about a $1.66 decrease to their monthly bill beginning June 1. However, the final impact to customer bills won’t be known until a second annual adjustment, the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA), is filed in April.

Important Reminder for On-site Renewable Energy Systems
(sent to Idaho and Oregon business rates 6, 8 and 84)
If you are a renewable energy generator connected to the electrical grid, please be aware of your responsibilities as outlined in the Customer Generator tariffs. For more information, including on-site generation tariff Schedules, 8, 84, 68 and application forms, visit idahopower.com/customergeneration.

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