Idaho Power Will Move Powerlines Underground Near Boise’s Hulls Gulch Reserve

Idaho Power, in partnership with the City of Boise, is improving safety and reliability in the lower Boise Foothills by moving a section of overhead powerlines near Hulls Gulch Reserve underground. This project is part of Idaho Power’s broader efforts to reduce wildfire risk and improve service reliability. Idaho Power places some powerlines underground as one of many wildfire mitigation tools, along with vegetation management, regular inspections, and installing protective equipment.

The Hulls Gulch project will replace the existing overhead line along North Sunset Peak Road with an underground line from approximately Camels Back Park to below Highland View Drive near the Foothills Learning Center. Construction is scheduled to begin mid-February and is expected to be completed by May 2025.

The public will still have access along North Sunset Peak Road during the project. Flaggers and signs will be in place to assist drivers. Motorists are advised to drive with caution in the construction zone. For more details, visit

Jordyn Neerdaels
Communications Specialist