As farmers begin spring work in the field, Idaho Power reminds agricultural workers to stay clear of electrical equipment for their own safety.
- Safely practice prescribed burning of ditch banks or pastures by staying far from power poles and electrical equipment.
- Call 811 at least two days before doing any digging to ensure the area is clear of underground utility lines.
- Be aware of overhead lines when moving tall equipment or clearing debris from irrigation pipes. Use a spotter, and move equipment horizontally.
- Never stack items (like hay bales) under power lines. All power lines should be considered energized and dangerous.
- Adjust your irrigation systems to avoid spraying overhead lines.
- Operate equipment a safe distance from power lines — at least 10 feet for lower voltages. If you’re unsure of a line’s voltage, call Idaho Power at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151 outside the Treasure Valley.
You can find a video on Idaho Power’s YouTube channel showing the importance of being safe around overhead lines when doing field work.
Maria Willacy
Communications Specialist