Outage Tips for Vulnerable Populations

For general outage tips, see our Be Prepared for Outages page.

How You Can Prepare

  • If you or someone in your care has a condition that requires refrigerated medication or life support systems, contact your doctor or pharmacist on how to handle emergencies and power outages.
  • Create an evacuation plan and prepare to take care of your own medical needs or be accompanied by a caregiver who can provide assistance in case you need to leave your home due to an outage or other emergency.
  • Have a contingency plan set up with your medical supply company or home health agency that includes a backup generator, battery charger, or other alternatives for powering life support systems, as directed by your healthcare provider.
  • Ensure your contact information is up-to-date by visiting idahopower.com/contactupdate. Review your outage notification preferences to help ensure you receive updates in an emergency.
  • If you choose to rely on a generator, find an expert to install it and educate yourself in advance on how to use it to avoid hazards.
  • Check with local officials to identify the location of emergency shelters with power.
  • Many organizations have created planning resources for individuals with medical needs during outages and other unexpected events, and you can find them on the internet. For example, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security created ready.gov, and the Idaho and Oregon offices of emergency management also created websites for emergency preparedness at Idaho OEM and Oregon OEM. Individuals with disabilities or medical conditions may find the information on the People with Disabilities page at ready.gov helpful.*
  • For additional preparation tips for vulnerable customers, watch our virtual presentation or view the slide deck.

*Idaho Power does not manage the content of any of these resources, and the facts and opinions stated therein are the responsibility of the publishing entity.

What to Do If Your Power Goes Out

  • Individuals who are dependent on electrically powered life support equipment and do not have a backup power supply should relocate to an appropriate location with power, if necessary. Take medical equipment and medications with you. If the situation is life threatening, call 911.
  • Stay informed about current outages on our Outage Map.
  • During a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), go to our PSPS webpage for additional information throughout the event.
  • For additional preparation tips for vulnerable customers, watch our virtual presentation or view the slide deck.

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