Watch for Overhead Lines
Getting ready to work in the field or yard? Look up for power lines and use a spotter when moving tall equipment. Power lines are energized and dangerous, so stay at least 10 feet away.

Looking for a Fun Family Activity?
Grab the family and explore our “powercaches,” also known as geocaches, located along the Snake River. It’s an outdoor adventure ripe for your exploration!

The People Behind Your Power
Learn about one of our arborists, who works to keep trees away from powerlines so they don’t cause outages and safety hazards.

Make Your Voice Heard
Your opinions and ideas are important to us. That’s why we created an exclusive online community of customers to gather feedback through periodic surveys on several topics.

Spring Clean to Save Energy and Money
Spring is the perfect time to get your home in shape for an energy-efficient season. We offer numerous energy efficiency tips, programs, and incentives.

Need Help with Your Bill?
If you’re struggling to pay your power bill, we can help. Learn about our energy efficiency and bill assistance programs.
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