Idaho Power and an advisory panel representing customer groups and regulators will meet again this week to discuss the utility’s 20-year energy plan.
The purpose of the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is to predict how much energy the company will need to serve its growing number of customers and identify the best way to ensure that energy remains reliable, affordable and clean. Idaho Power develops a new plan every two years.
Idaho Power enlists the help of its customers to create the IRP through the Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council (IRPAC), which includes representatives from public-interest groups, industry and agriculture, as well as state and local lawmakers, public utility commissioners and other interested parties. The panel meets monthly via Webex to discuss various aspects of power production.
The March 9 meeting will include presentations on how the company handles winter demand, an updated economic and load forecast, loss of load calculation analysis and an update on requests for proposals issued for new resources.
The agenda and materials, as well as background information and a link for attending via Webex, are all available at The meeting begins at 9 a.m. Mountain Time on Thursday, March 9.
Brad Bowlin
Communications Specialist