BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power is requesting changes to its on-site generation offering that are a step toward ensuring fair prices for all customers. Idaho Power is seeking approval of a compensation structure that accurately measures an on-site generator’s use […]
Idaho Power Requests Changes to On-site Generation Offering
Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment
BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase as a result of higher power costs […]
Idaho Power Requests Proposals for New Capacity and Energy Resources
For the third time in two years, Idaho Power has issued a formal request for proposals for new capacity and energy resources to help the company meet growing demand for electricity in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon. The company’s latest […]
Idaho Power Announces New Vice President and General Counsel
Idaho Power announced today that Julia Hilton has been named Vice President and General Counsel, effective March 18. Prior to this appointment, she served as the Deputy General Counsel and Director of Legal for Idaho Power. Hilton has 15 years […]
Idaho Power Files Annual Fixed Cost Adjustment
BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power has filed the first of two annual cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) requests a decrease of $10 million, or 1.56%, for residential and small general […]
Idaho’s Largest Energy Storage Projects Under Construction; More Solar on the Way
BOISE — Utility-scale battery storage and solar facilities are becoming important tools for Idaho Power as the company works to keep energy reliable and affordable while demand for electricity continues to grow rapidly. Construction has begun on Idaho’s first utility-scale […]
Idaho Power moves key regional transmission line forward
Idaho Power has applied for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line. The certificate would officially recognize the project’s value for Idahoans. BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power took a big step Monday to […]
Hells Canyon Road Reopened
Oxbow, Oregon — Hells Canyon Road between Oxbow and the Hells Canyon Dam (north of Hells Canyon park) has been reopened after being closed for repairs due to a rockslide. If you’re visiting the area, please be advised a portion […]
Idaho Power Moves Forward with Regional Energy Adequacy Group
BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power is joining forces with energy companies across the West to continue ensuring clean energy resources can meet growing demand while maintaining reliable, affordable service. Idaho Power is the latest utility to move into the next […]
Hells Canyon Road Closure Update
Oxbow, Oregon — Hells Canyon Road between Oxbow and the Hells Canyon Dam (north of Hells Canyon park) is still closed due to a rockslide. The road will be closed at least until early next week. To check on the […]